AB99: Integrated Pest Management

Patty Clary, Californians for Alternatives to Toxics A bill advancing through the California legislature on a tide that could carry it to the governor’s desk, AB99 would bring all of California the opportunity to enjoy...

Dear EcoNews: Cat Conscious

Dear EcoNews,  I have always been an animal lover and have been recently thinking about adopting an outdoor/indoor cat. I am really excited about the prospect, but am concerned about the impact it will have...
Redwood Region Audubon logo

The Sandpiper June 2023

Read the full issue here

Barriers Removed for Trinidad Rancheria to Gather and Access their Ancestral Lands

California State Parks and Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria Press Release California State Parks and the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria (Trinidad Rancheria) signed a historic 5-year memorandum of...

Get on Board: Must We Electrify Our Homes?

Martha Walden Our house in Westhaven last winter experienced four power outages that lasted from ten hours to forty hours. That’s the price of living with trees when the wind blows hard, and your local...

California Native Plant Society July 2023

Field Trips July 9, Sunday.  Brown Creek-West Ridge Day Hike.  This loop route in Prairie Creek State Park goes up from Newton B. Drury Parkway to Rhododendron Trail, then back down, through stately forest, several...

The Ghost Forest: Racists, Radicals, and Real Estate in the CA Redwoods

Jen Card, Eureka Books On June 6, 2023 PublicAffairs Books, an imprint of New York publishing giant Hachette, will publish The Ghost Forest: Racists, Radicals, and Real Estate in the California Redwoods, by Humboldt County...

Environmental Activism Across the World

Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist Greta Thunberg recently made the news again for standing in solidarity with the Saami, the Indigenous Peoples of Norway, against government plans to colonize their traditional grazing areas under the premise...

Native Coastal Dune Restoration

Mike Cipra, Friends of the Dunes Editor's Note: Here on the north coast we are lucky to have a gem of an ecosystem a short drive (or bike ride, or slightly longer walk) away. Along...

Stop the Sweeps

Northcoast Environmental Center Staff More and more we get word of areas around the community that are being “swept” of unhoused people. This is not a phenomenon that is specific to Humboldt; all around the...

California Native Plant Society | June 2023

Field Trips June 23-25.  Oregon Caves Overnight and Day Hikes.  Oregon Caves National Monument near Cave Junction offers botanical fun on mountain trails, as well as the cave itself.  We will camp at Chinquapin Group...


Ellen E. Taylor In May, the Generals made a truce And started shaping words. The trenches stilled. Still, blood flowed red As troops sat, stupid. Overhead They heard the flight of birds. A boy crept out into the sluice Of sleet,...

Sick Rivers

Art by Terry Torgenson As many of our readers know, we have reported on the state of our rivers many times over the years. Here are a few of our latest articles and EcoNews Report...

Celebrate Summer Solstice

Excerpt from Hello, Goodbye: 75 Rituals for Times of Loss, Celebration, and Change (Simon Element) by Day Schildkret. Reprinted with permission. Summer Solstice Overhead, the sun seems to linger at its zenith forever and ever. On...

How Legal Advocacy Cleaned Up Our Air & Water, and Bold Government Action Averted...

Jen Kalt, Humboldt Baykeeper Director The American Lung Association recently ranked Humboldt County’s air quality as among the cleanest in the state. But that wasn’t always so. For decades, two pulp mills just across Humboldt...

Creature Feature: Superbloom from Dunes to Deserts

Sable Odry, Coastal Programs Coordinator Thirteen years of living here and an environmental science degree from Cal Poly Humboldt has taught me to appreciate this amazing region. As I work through my California Natural History...

Solutions Summit | June 2023

Michael D. Pulliam SEAWEED CLING WRAP A team at University of Leeds in the U.K. has turned an invasive species of seaweed into a compostable alternative to plastic cling wrap. The product can withstand heat and...

350 Humboldt Climate Book Club: Read With Us!

Dan Chandler, 350 Humboldt 350 Humboldt Book Club Picks The 350 Humboldt Book Club has been reading one climate-related book a month for almost three years now: the perfect activity for the Covid years! We’ve read...

News From the Center | June 2023

Larry Glass, NEC Board President Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director Sea Level Rise and Wastewater Treatment The rush to develop more housing in Arcata and the surrounding communities is heating up. Although much of this is due...

Environmental Justice in Humboldt County

Catriona Barr, Claire Anderson, Tina Orton-Owens, and Winston Grady (Cal Poly Humboldt) BACKGROUND The Northcoast Environmental Center (NEC) is at a  turning point. Founded and subsequently focused on  conservation issues for more than fifty years, it...

CDFW and CAL FIRE Urge Obstruction of Public Records Act: “Don’t Create Documents”

Tom Wheeler, EPIC Executive Director Note: For the past year, EPIC has filed and reviewed numerous Public Records Act requests with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and CAL FIRE to understand recurring...

Farm Feature: Ts’ De Noni

Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist Ts’ De Noni, which means “where the bears play” in the Bear River dialect, is a youth beekeeping program and garden located in Loleta. The program began in January of 2022...

Bike Justice Humboldt: Come Ride With Us!

Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director Transportation accounts for 53 percent of our emissions in Humboldt County, so there is an obvious need to shift to low- and no-emission ways to get where we need to...

Community Coastal Column | June 2023

Sable Odry, NEC Coastal Programs Coordinator Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director Craft for the Coast Trash Art Contest The NEC is hosting its Third Annual Craft for the Coast Trash Art Contest. This is an exciting event...

Why We Shouldn’t Be Worried About Traffic

Colin Fiske, Executive Director Nobody likes sitting in traffic. Consequently, “congestion relief” is one of the most popular things a planner or politician can propose. After all, when you’re stuck in gridlock on a freeway,...