Accelerating biodiversity loss may turn out to be the sleeper issue of the century.
A curious thing about H. sapiens is that we are clever enough to document — in exquisite detail — various trends that portend the collapse of modern civilization, yet not nearly smart enough to extricate ourselves...
Two weeks of summer trail work announced
Bigfoot Trial Alliance is excited to announce two Bigfoot Trail work events this summer. Just sign up to reserve your spot and we will keep you up to date on the details of our...
Another extreme heat wave strikes the North Pole
In four of the past five winters, the North Pole has witnessed dramatic temperatures spikes, which previously were rare. Now, in the lead up to summer, the temperature has again shot up to unusually high...
Watch Your Wrappers!
The National Retail Federation estimates that $2.6 billion was spent on candy for Halloween 2019-- that's 600 pounds of candy! The vast majority of candy wrappers can't be recycled, many of which don't find...
Here Comes the Electric Vehicle Parade!
November 13, 2019
In this week’s episode, the Green Gang talks with Stephen Kullmann of the Blue Lake Rancheria and Nancy Stephenson of RCEA about the first annual Electric Vehicle Parade, electric vehicle expo and...
Creature Feature: Giant Green Anemone
🐾Welcome to the NEC's weekly Creature Feature! 🐾
Giant Green Anemone (Anthopleura xanthogrammica) is a species of intertidal sea anemone. These brightly colored beauties are commonly found in local tide pools and are distributed from...
Trash-a-thon Citizen Science
We have been having so much fun doing our Trash-a-thon cleanups this week! Here's the submission page on the NOAA Marine Debris Tracker app from one of our staff's cleanups. You can see where...
Creature Feature: Pacific Sideband Snail
This week we're meeting a small, slow inhabitant of the Redwood forest: The Pacific Sideband (Monadenia fidelis). These beautiful reddish-brown snails are remarkable for a few reasons. Most snails breathe through gill slits, but...
King Tides: December 13-15
Snap the Shore, See the Future
California has another chance to observe the #KingTides on December 13, 14, and 15. If you are able to safely visit the shoreline during these highest tides of the...
Creature Feature: Fox Sparrow
This week we'll take a look at a bird many of you have probably seen or heard--the Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca). These large sparrows are common in Humboldt during the winter months, and can...
Creature Feature: Townsend’s Chipmunk
The Townsend's Chipmunk (Tamias townsendii), or Bushdou'l in the Wiyot language, is one of the cutest critters in Humboldt forests. These feisty creatures can be quite aggressive with each other--especially the females, who are...
Mindful Mondays: The Big Picture
The Big Picture
by Ellen Bass
from All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis
I try to look at the big picture.
The sun, ardent tongue
licking us like a mother besotted
with her new...
Mindful Mondays: Guided Forest Walk
Last week we offered a Walking Practice from Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee and Hilary Hart. This week we’re sharing an audio walking practice facilitated by Kimberly Ruffin so that you may deepen in the practice you...
Mindful Monday: Yoga for Ecological Grief
Today we’re bringing you an offering from HSU geography professor and yoga teacher Laura Johnson, PhD, RYT-500, TCYM.
Laura has recently designed and launched an online yoga course for Ecological Grief that integrates postures, breath...
Mindful Monday: Spiritual Ecology Study Club
Provided by Advaya, the Spiritual Ecology Study Club is “a monthly community space to deepen and develop our perspectives in the work of reuniting people, the living world and the sacred. Over the year,...
Winter Giving 2022
Dear Friend of the Northcoast Environmental Center,
As we near the close of another year, we want to thank you for your ongoing support of the work we are doing at the NEC and for...
Mindful Mondays: Body Scan with Tension and Release
Wherever you find yourself, sitting, standing, or laying down - start at the tips of your toes. Feel the sensations here; can you get this close to the part of your body furthest from...
State Issues Humboldt Bay Fish Advisory using Baykeeper’s Mercury Data
State Issues Humboldt Bay Fish Advisory using Baykeeper's Mercury Data
On Tuesday, the State of California issued an official fish advisory for Humboldt Bay using data from Humboldt Baykeeper's recent study of mercury in fish...
Lessons From Terra-Gen
February 1, 2020
We look back at the process that led to the Terra-Gen wind farm being denied last month. What did we learn?
Thanks to Lost Coast Communications for making this show possible!
Trinidad Water Wars Continue
The Trinidad Rancheria is throwing down the gauntlet. The tribe wants to build a new hotel, but in order to get the necessary permits, it needs to show it has access to a viable...
Success Story: Washed Up Jet Ski Removed
The Adopt-A-Beach program at the NEC plays a very important role in keeping our beaches clean. Aside from the regular cleanups and data collection, we have eyes and ears out on the beaches keeping...
Mindful☼Mondays: Permission to Relax
Who even knew it’s Monday!? Today we’re posting late, and you know what… we’re giving you permission to be late too.
How often do you get down on yourself for being forgetful, for taking it...
Mindful☼Mondays: Tree Hugging
What a blessing this sunshine has been the last couple of days! We hope you’ve been able to get out and enjoy the dose of Vitamin D.
This winter has been challenging with the rise...
Mindful Mondays: Our Most Pleasing Responsibility
“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it, and to foster its renewal, is our only legitimate...
Mindful☼Mondays: The Ecology of Perception
“This has become a very basic insight to me: that our bodily senses, left to their own devices, are inherently animistic; that sensory perception is participatory; that the senses are gregarious organs that actively...