JOIN HANDS in opposition to new offshore oil and gas drilling in the Pacific Ocean!
When: Saturday May 18th 11:30pm – 12:30pm
Where: Moonstone Beach
Who: Anyone and everyone who loves the ocean and coast!
On May 18th at 12pm, we will join coastal communities across the U.S. and join hands for 15 minutes at beaches and parks to demonstrate support for protecting our coasts from dangerous and destructive offshore oil drilling.
Last year, the Trump administration announced a proposal to expand offshore oil drilling in U.S. waters, threatening ocean recreation, tourism and fishing industries, which provide more than $115 billion in GDP and over 2.2 million jobs nationwide. The Draft Proposed Five-Year OCS Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Program released by the Interior Department currently includes planned drilling in the Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Arctic Ocean. This extreme proposal opens up more than 90% of our nation’s coasts to new oil drilling and puts our communities, beaches, surf breaks, and marine ecosystems at risk of a catastrophic oil spill.
Now, more than ever our coasts are under threat and need your help! Join us in asking our federal leaders to protect U.S. coastlines from new offshore drilling.
Hosted by Humboldt Surfrider and the Northcoast Environmental Center