Humboldt Bay Symposium 2019: Rising to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change


The Wiyot Tribe’s Tuluwat Village sacred site on Indian Island in Humboldt Bay during the “King Tide” of Dec. 2010.

My guests are Joe Tyburczy and Aldaron Laird, coordinators of the Humboldt Bay Symposium, which will be held on April 11 and 12 at the Wharfinger Building in Eureka. The symposium will feature sessions on sea level rise, ecological restoration, ocean science, and economic development in and around Humboldt Bay. The symposium will provide the public an opportunity to engage directly with scientists, managers, and local experts and learn about the latest developments on a variety of current issues related to Humboldt Bay.

Click HERE for the full program.

The Humboldt Bay Symposium is organized by the Humboldt Bay Initiative, an informal collaboration of local stakeholders including scientists, agency staff, Tribes, non-profits, local government officials, and other professionals as well as interested community members working together to plan and carry out ecosystem-based management of Humboldt Bay.

The Humboldt Bay Symposium is co-sponsored by the Humboldt State University Sponsored Programs Foundation.

For more info, contact Joe Tyburczy, Marine ecologist, California Sea Grant Extension, at jtyburczy@ucsd.eduor 707.443.8369.