Susan Nolan

How long have you been volunteering with NEC?
I have volunteered at the NEC on and off since the 90s, if not the 80s—first helping with EcoNews layout back in the days when it was called paste-up (because articles, graphics and ads were physically glued onto heavy cardstock to go to the printer). Sid Dominitz held sway as editor and ran paste-up with all the frenzy of a big city newpaper going to press. In 2003-4 Tim McKay hired me to be general office gofer, balancing the cash register for the gift shop, typing up articles for the now-digitized EcoNews, answering the phone, cleaning the office, and generally filling in the low spots as needed.
Words for future volunteers? It’s more fun to be part of an event by pitching in—you meet people, get to understand the organization better, and do something positive.