On Wednesday, March 2, 7 – 8 p.m., the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship’s Climate Action Campaign is hosting a webinar with Julie Neander and Maggie Gainer, What We Can Do to Reduce Food Waste: CA Food Waste Reduction Laws, followed by a Q&A.
Join us for this free event at: https://zoom.us/j/94245022111?pwd=enp1U05XQW9HZlN6S2J2M0pydlFQQT09

The impetus behind this presentation is SB 1383, which took effect in January, 2022. Various sections of SB 1383 or California’s Short-Lived Pollutant Reduction Law aim to reduce the production of potent greenhouse gasses, such as methane from landfills, and also seek to address food insecurity issues in the state.

Julie Neander retired last year from the City of Arcata’s Environmental Services department. Maggie Gainer is a co-founder and consultant/trainer for Zero Waste Humboldt. Both have considerable experience working on local and state issues of waste reduction and resource sustainability.