CALL TO ACTION: Post 4th of July Beach Clean

Every year with 4th of July comes large parties and fireworks and with those parties often comes a lot of waste. The beaches need our help as many celebrations took place on our shores, particularly at Samoa and Clam beach. If you’re able, please visit the beaches and pick up some of the waste that was left over from the holiday weekend.

If you want to take it a step further, this is a great opportunity to help us with our citizen science Marine Debris tracking by downloading the NOAA Marine Debris Tracker and using the NEC’s debris list. Any and all data collected is highly useful, especially data on fireworks following the holiday weekend.

#northcoastenvironmentalcenter #coastalprograms #marinedebrisdata #fireworkdebris #oceanconservation #beachcleanup #watchyourwaste

Casey Cruikshank
Casey is the NEC's Office Support & Programs Coordinator.