Zero Waste Crossword

Across To extend the life of an item by using it repeatedly. To make new products from used materials. To fix something to extend its useful life. The breakdown of matter by bacteria and...

The Perspective From Up Here: A Note From Our Local Treesitters

By Redwood Forest Defense   We write to you from our perch among the branches of a redwood grove in Tsurai (near so-called Trinidad). We've been living here for four months now, actively protecting this forest...

EcoNews Community Creations: Trash Crowns!

submitted by Devi Genuone I wanted to share these pictures of my Trash Crown series I am making out of trash I pick up & natural things I have found & broken jewelry.    For example, one...

House Passes Wilderness Bill as Amendment to National Defense Authorization Act

by Caroline Griffith The U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation July 21 to protect public lands and rivers in California. The Protecting America’s Wilderness Act (PAW) , combined Huffman’s “Wilderness, Recreation and Working Forests Act''...

Snapshot HumCoast BioBlitz 2020: August 17 – 31

  Calling all beach-goers and nature-lovers! We need your eyes and your smart phones to gather observations for the Snapshot HumCoast BioBlitz taking place from August 17 - 31. A BioBlitz is a community science...

Get On Board for the Climate: Hope in the Time of Corona

by Martha Walden What Now Coalition We climate activists have one-track minds. Just about every issue, activity and idea on earth can be boiled down in our brains to the essential component -- greenhouse gas emissions....

Discover a Joint Powers Authority: the California Cannabis Authority

by Ali Ong Lee As part of our local governance series to invite public participation, we discover one of the newer Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs) to which Humboldt County belongs: the California Cannabis Authority (CCA). Last...

Eye on Washington: August 2020

by Dan Sealy, Legislative Analyst   For Grizzly Bears and Their Fans: Good News – Bad News  Yellowstone grizzlies got some good news.  The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel upheld a determination that the US...

Pipeline Victories: How Long Will They Last?

by Caroline Griffith Oil pipeline opponents celebrated two victories in early July when the embattled Atlantic Coast pipeline and Dakota Access Pipeline were shut down within 24 hours of each other. But, as conservation lawyers...
Bales of plastic and aluminum recyclables at Recology’s Recycle Central Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) at Pier 96, San Francisco. Photo: Walter Parenteau, Flickr CC.

Contrary to What the Plastics Industry Says, Single-Use Isn’t Safer

by Caroline Griffith As the COVID 19 pandemic drags on, many environmentally conscious people have become frustrated by the amount of plastic and single-use packaging they are being compelled to consume in the name of...

Creature Feature: The Moon Snail, Conqueror of Clams

by Casey Cruikshank The Moon Snail (Euspira lewisii) is one of the largest intertidal snails that can be found in the Northwest. Found in mud flats and sandy intertidal areas from Ketchikan, Alaska to Baja...

Where Are They Now: Madison Peters

by Madison Peters My time at the NEC began as a work study student at the beginning of my second year at HSU while pursuing my degree in Ecological Restoration. I joined in at a...

Nexus: Solidarity Economics – A Path Forward

By David Cobb In the inaugural “Nexus” column, we shared our belief that we could not create a sustainable and regenerative society under capitalism. Almost all the responses we received were in agreement, but pushed...

Get Ready for Election Season! Open City Council Seats and Local Ballot Measures on...

By Caroline Griffith The deadline to file to run for local City Councils is August 7, so by the time you are reading this, we may already know who our candidates are for the November...
EPIC logo

EPIC: McKay Forest Housing Project and Green Diamond “Take” Permit

by Tom Wheeler, Executive Director Large New Housing Project Proposed for McKay Forest A large new residential housing development is being proposed for the outskirts of Eureka, cutting into the McKay Forest in Cutten. The project...
Humboldt Baykeeper logo

Dioxins In and Around Humboldt Bay: Slow but Steady Progress

by Jennifer Kalt, Director: Humboldt Baykeeper The Timber Industry’s Legacy  Since 2004, Humboldt Baykeeper has focused on the legacy of wood preservatives used at dozens of lumber mills that once lined the shores of Humboldt Bay, its...
California Native Plant Society logo

CNPS Happenings August 2020

by Carol Ralphs Stay Updated: Join Yahoo! notification group by writing ................................................................. Evening programs are not scheduled for June-August.  Recent programs are archived under the Education tab on our website.  For amazing photos of caterpillars and to...
Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorites logo

CRTP: Humboldt County Residents Overwhelmingly Support Changes to Local Streets

by Colin Fiske   From June 5 through June 25, 2020, CRTP hosted an online survey asking Humboldt County residents about their experiences walking, biking, driving and using other modes of transportation now compared to before...
Student Focus logo

Student Focus: Sustainable Transportation at HSU, Access and Behavior

By Aneika Jasmine Perez  When I first visited Humboldt State University (HSU), I found myself instantly admiring the Northern California redwood forest coast. I grew up and lived my whole life in Southern California, where...

Volunteer Spotlight: Michael “Data” Le

What inspires you to volunteer your time? When I moved to Humboldt County from Southern California, I was awestruck by the natural beauty of the area. I want generations of people to be able to...

Remembering Andy Araneo

by Roz Keller  Andy Araneo passed away peacefully on May 13, 2020 at age 76. He had lived in Eureka since 1983. We remember Andy for his commitment and persistence in publicly challenging the North Coast...

Kin to the Earth: Cutcha Risling-Baldy

 by Carrie Tully Upon my initial introduction to Cutcha, my attention was instantly sparked by her matter-of-fact way of speaking - like it is finally okay to be brutally honest and that anything is possible....

Cleaning Up Coastal Cleanup Day

By Caroline Griffith For many of us on the North Coast, gathering together to pick up trash on the beach is a family tradition. But did you know that Coastal Cleanup Day, which is now...

Coastal Cleanup Day? More like Coastal Cleanup Month!

By Casey Cruikshank In spite of COVID 19, we will still be hosting Coastal Cleanup Day (CCD) in Humboldt County. This year CCD will look very different than in years past. In order to maintain...

Dear EcoNews

Dear EcoNews,  Today was garbage day, and much like every other garbage day, my standard refuse was taken away without a hitch. My recycling container, though, was still full and It had a notice dangling...