Solutions Summit
by Michael D. Pulliam
Humboldt Bay is host to California's first commercially-approved seaweed farm, thanks to a partnership between Humboldt State University and environmental nonprofit GreenWave. Pioneering solutions to numerous challenges in...
Get On Board For The Climate: Proceeding with Caution
by Martha Walden for 350 Humboldt
Like everything else, aquaculture has its benefits and drawbacks. At a time when fisheries are collapsing around the world due to pressures on their wild stock, the ability to...
Eye on Washington August 2021
by Dan Sealy
For 50 years, EcoNews Documents That Change Is Slow
Readers of the early EcoNews might be surprised and somewhat baffled that many, if not most, of the same topics of interest captured in...
Book Review: Working Together on Working Together, The ‘Prosocial’ Method for Building Cooperative Groups
By Michael D. Pulliam
Why do people cooperate together? How can you help a group you care about to function well instead of stalling out to disengagement? How can our society cultivate more supergroups like...
Get Ready for Coastal Cleanup Month 2021!
by Ivy Munnerlyn, Coastal Programs Coordinator
Well,’s that time of year again! At the NEC, August means one thing: Coastal Cleanup Day is right around the corner! After a challenging year, we couldn’t be...
Nexus: Food Holds the Power to Harm or Heal
by Tamara McFarland, Cooperation Humboldt
Food holds power. The power to heal or to harm. To connect or to divide. To restore or to exploit. With every bite we take, we register a tiny vote...
CNPS Happenings — August 2021
Stay Updated:
CNPS welcomes everyone. No expertise required.
Evening Programs will resume in September--we hope in-person as well as via Zoom!
Field Trips Pay attention to the plants wherever your August travels take you!
Native Plants for Your...
Summertime and the Living’s Easy without Plastic
By Jess Barger, ZWH Projects Manager
You may be familiar with the statistic that about 10% of plastic waste generated in the U.S. every year is recycled. One type of plastic waste that continues to...
War on Wild Horses on Northeast California’s Devil’s Garden Plateau
by Felice Pace, Redwood Chapter Grazing Chair
Over recent decades the number of reporters and editors delivering news to Americans has declined sharply. Staff no longer have time to fact check claims made by spokespersons...
Clam Beach Pollution Mystery Solved?
Jennifer Kalt, Director
Last month, Clam Beach landed on Heal the Bay's “Beach Bummer” list of California's most polluted beaches yet again, getting an 'F' for water quality on the 2020-21 Beach Report Card. This is...
Does Forest Service have an Obligation to Clean Up Hazardous Waste?
New Lawsuit Launched Seeks to Compel Remediation of Public Land
EPIC—together with our allies at the Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center, Californians for Alternatives to Toxics, Northcoast Environmental Center, and Safe Alternatives for our Forest Environment—filed a...
La persistencia, convicción y ciencia ciudadana logran una victoria para el Chinook de Primavera
Por Caroline Griffith
Traducción por Johanna Rivera
El miércoles 16 de junio, la Comisión de Pesca y Caza de California votó a favor de incluir el salmón Chinook de Primavera de Klamath en la lista de...
Persistence, Conviction and Citizen Science Lead to a Win for Spring Chinook
By Caroline Griffith
On Wednesday, June 16, the California Fish and Game Commission voted to list Klamath spring Chinook salmon as threatened under the California Endangered Species Act. The listing came in response to a...
Women of the Early NEC
by John Amodio, former NEC Executive Director
The early 1970’s, when the NEC was founded, was a tumultuous time in America. “Liberation” was the common goal for an array of marginalized groups seeking greater recognition...
Lucille and Dave Got in “Good and Necessary Trouble”
By Sue Leskiw
The late Congressman John Lewis described his involvement in the Civil Rights movement as getting in “good trouble, necessary trouble.” That phrase aptly applies to actions taken by Lucille Vinyard and Dave...
Married to the Movement
by Chris Jenican Beresford
My involvement with the NEC is quite different from others in that I was married to Tim McKay from 1976 through 1988. Our lives revolved around the environmental movement in those...
Remembering Arcata Community Recycling Center’s Origin Story
by Maggie Gainer
Following Earth Day 1970, drop-off recycling programs run by volunteers sprung up in college towns all across the U.S. With the leadership of NEC’s first executive director, Wesley Chesbro, Arcata Community Recycling...
Into the Wild
by Dan Sealy
As a young man moving to Arcata from Oklahoma in 1970 to attend HSU, I had little-to-zero experience with the typical outdoor adventures that would be at my Redwood doorstep. Nor did...
Letter to EcoNews: County and State Officials are Trading Our Fish and Owls for...
Local officials in county government and those in relevant state agencies are trading away our fish, owls, and other important elements of our natural ecosystems for the benefit of large out-of-control cannabis grows. The...
Let’s Talk About the Future
Northcoast Environmental Center staff
A half-century is a long time to do anything, but fifty years as a coalition of environmental groups is particularly impressive. While it’s incredibly valuable to learn from the experiences, successes...
News from the Center
by Larry Glass and Carrie Tully
Here are some of the issues we've been talking about.
Pacific Northwest Heat Storm
We were a little unnerved, but not surprised, to read lead scientist at Berkeley Earth, Dr. Robert...