Caroline Griffith, EcoNews Editor
It has come to our attention that an article in our August issue, Salmon in the Anthropocene, erroneously stated that Friends of the Eel River (FOER) are partnering with CalTrout to restore the Cedar Creek fish passage on the South Fork of the Eel River and the Salt River in the Eel River Estuary. Although FOER is not working on either of these restoration projects, it is doing important work to benefit salmonid populations, in conjunction with the Round Valley Tribes and many others, by ensuring that the Eel River Dams come down.
CalTrout is actually partnering with the local consulting firm McBain Associates and Hanford Environmental Restoration in Santa Rosa to restore the Cedar Creek fish passage on the South Fork of the Eel River; working with local partners, including GHD and CDFW, to develop engineering designs for restoration of Cannibal Island in the Eel River Estuary; was awarded funding to prepare a Climate Resiliency and Salmonid Recovery Plan for the entire Eel River Basin; along with several local partners including Northern Hydrology and Engineering, Tom Gast and Associates, McBain Associates, Pacific Earthscapes, and Samara Restoration completed the earthworks and restoration of Cochran Creek and Quail Slough on Organic Matter Farm near Indianola; is working with the McKinleyville Community Service District on the Mad River floodplain restoration and public access project, adjacent to School Road in McKinleyville; and has embarked on a multi-partner, multi-phased restoration of the lower mile of Prairie Creek, tributary to Redwood Creek near Orick, CA.
We take seriously our responsibility to provide readers with the fact-based reporting they need to make informed environmental decisions. We regret the error and promise to do better in the future.