August 2023 EcoNews
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News From the Center | August 2023
Larry Glass, NEC Board President
Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director
Forest Service Forms Northwest Forest Plan Federal Advisory Committee
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, on behalf of...
Letters to EcoNews | August 2023
Honey Bees
Dear EcoNews,
Although Elena Bilheimer didn't explicitly say so, it's clear that the bees featured in her article on Ts' De Noni in the...
Dear EcoNews: Permaculture
Dear EcoNews,
I heard from a friend recently that permaculture gardening has been shown to be helpful in reducing wildfire risk and increasing ecosystem resilience...
Centro Del Pueblo Stands Up Against Racist Attacks
Liam Gwynn, EcoNews Intern
“For over a year we have seen our garden vandalized almost every month by acts of intentional malice, our crops have...
Centro Del Pueblo se declara en contra del racismo
Liam Gwynn, EcoNews Intern
Traduccion por Denise Villalva
“Por más de un año hemos visto nuestro jardín vandalizado y casi cada mes con intenciones maliciosas, nuestros...
Right to Repair Revisited
Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist
In December of 2021, Cassidy Mullennix from Zero Waste Humboldt wrote an article in EcoNews explaining the Right to Repair movement...
How to Become a Bike City
Colin Fiske, CRTP Executive Director
Bicycling advocates in car-dominated U.S. communities often look for inspiration to European cities like Amsterdam and Copenhagen, where bikes play...
Why Walkability Matters
Dan Burden, Dan Burden Consultants
Think back to when you were eight years old, what was your walking range unaccompanied by an adult? In the...
EPIC: Beavers, Fishers & Elk, Oh My!
Tom Wheeler, EPIC Executive Director
EPIC is hard at work to protect the wildlife of the North Coast. Here are a couple updates on some...
The Sandpiper | August 2023
The Sandpiper August 2023
Read the full version here
Local Beaches Get Mixed Water Quality Results
Jen Kalt, Humboldt Baykeeper Director
For the first time in many years, not one Humboldt County beach appears on the annual Beach Bummer List! Although...
California Native Plant Society | August 2023
August Field Trips
Saturday, August 5, 10am-1pm. Orchids in the Dunes Walk. Join Carol Ralph to learn about five species of orchid that live in...
ZWH: Sustainable Travel Guide
Isabella Escamilla, Zero Waste Humboldt Intern
Over the past decade, the United States has made greater efforts towards sustainability, but still faces many challenges. According...
CRTP: All Ages and Abilities
Colin Fiske, Executive Director
One of the most common responses I get when I talk about biking as a mode of transportation is that biking...
The Decade Long Battle Over Richardson Grove is Still Going
Liam Gwynn, EcoNews Intern
On June 26, EPIC's legal team and a host of public supporters appeared in court to defend Richardson Grove from Caltrans'...
Freshwater Farms Reserve
Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist
Summer is the time to reap the harvest of the garden, and by this time next year a new farm located...
Turning Food Waste Into Gold
By Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist
The fashion industry is notorious for its damaging effects on the environment, unfair labor practices, and promotion of endless consumerism...
Invasive Plant Baskets
Adrian and Carl Klarner
Adrian Klarner is just getting started creating baskets and other objects from invasive plants, with an emphasis on English ivy and...
Community Coastal Column | August 2023
Sable Odry, NEC Coastal Programs Coordinator
Marine Debris Art
Cal Poly Humboldt's Art and Film Department is looking for used crab rope, spent fishing line, or...
Get on Board: California Mean to Corporations
Martha Walden
California has a reputation for regulating the businesses within its borders more than other states. Corporations complain and threaten to move to Texas,...
Solutions Summit | August 2023
Funding for Humboldt Habitat Improvement
Friends of the Eel River Press Release
On July 11 the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors authorized $543,000 in grant funding...