News from the Center – Dec 2018/Jan 2019

It seems that each time we get focused on a new issue, an old issue that’s been on the back burner for some time...

Volunteer Spotlight: Jason Slyter

Being a long time Eureka resident, I have felt that the NEC and its Adopt-a-Block program has helped educate the public on the importance...
Casey Cruishchank and Megan Bunday carry the NEC banner in the All Species Parade. Photo: Adam Taylor.

NEC 2018 Year in Review

This Year’s Accomplishments 2018 was another successful and challenging year at the NEC! The following list features some of the many issues and events we worked...

Trinidad Hotel Proposal Sparks Community Concerns

The plan to build a six-story, 100-room Hyatt hotel on the notoriously fragile coastal bluff south of Trinidad caught most folks by surprise. The...
Terry Tempest Williams, press photo from her website Photo: © Debra Anderson.

Don’t Look Away: Lessons from Activist Author Terry Tempest Williams

Although Terry Tempest Williams is known as an activist in Utah, her home state, she is better known nationally as a writer. She has...

Humboldt Bay Region at Risk from Sea Level Rise

The local chapter of the Sierra Club hosted a well-attended panel discussion on Sea Level Rise on Humboldt Bay in early November. The panel...
Map of the Blue Lake Community Planning Area (CPA) by John Miller, a Senior Planner with the Humboldt County Planning Department..

General Plan Rezoning Could Threaten Waterways

“UPROAR OVER REZONING” is how the November 7 edition of the Mad River Union described the contentious November 1 Humboldt County Planning Commission meeting....
River Otters. Photo: Alan Peterson.

Otters Everywhere: Countywide Art and Science Project Begins

“It’s a celebration of life,” says Humboldt State University wildlife professor Jeff Black of his new project—North Coast Otters, a  public arts initiative. In...
Student Focus logo

Student Focus: HSU Forestry Club

The HSU Forestry Club is meant to bring students of the forestry program together in education, experience, friendship, and service. The club has many...

Where Are They Now? Natalie Vaughan

I was an intern at the Northcoast Environmental Center (NEC) during the 2013-2014 school year while attending Humboldt State, where I received my degree...
Richard Marks for Harbor Commissioner 2018 Facebook profile photo.

Kin to the Earth: Richard Marks

Commissioner on the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation, and Conservation District, Division 4 Richard may not be what you think of when you picture an environmentalist....
Eye on Washington logo

Eye on Washington – Dec 2018/Jan 2019

In November, voters across the nation voted for more Democrats over Republicans in races for seats in the House while the Republican Party increased...
California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment's fish advisory guide for Humboldt Bay.

Humboldt Baykeeper: Big Lagoon Asphalt Plant; Humboldt Bay Fish Advisory

Baykeeper Appeals County Permit for Big Lagoon Asphalt Plant Humboldt Baykeeper is appealing the County’s Coastal Development Permit for an asphalt plant near Big Lagoon,...
Clearcut in Klamath National Forest’s Westside Project 2016. Photo: Amber Jamieson.

EPIC: Robbing a Burn Victim

On October 16, EPIC filed a lawsuit challenging a large post-fire timber sale on the Siskiyou Crest in Klamath National Forest. This timber sale,...
Green Diamond Resources (formerly Simpson Timber) is converting the North Coast forests it controls (this one is in Redwood Creek) into tree plantations. That increases the fire risk to nearby towns, including Hoopa, Weitchpec, Klamath and Trinidad. Photo: Felice Pace.

Sierra Club: Capitalizing on Disaster

Capitalizing on Disaster: Why Recent State Legislation and Subsidies for Biomass Electric Generation are Very Bad Ideas  In the wake of wildfires that caused terrible devastation...
CNPS field trippers focus on lunch while getting to know what we will sacrifice for clean energy if wind turbines are built along Bear River Ridge Road. Photo: Carol Ralph.

CNPS: Events and Happenings

Bear River Ridge Field Trip in November CNPS field trippers focus on lunch while getting to know what we will sacrifice for clean energy if...
Jeff, Kaylee and Emily Cook have fun cleaning up Samoa Beach during a Plastic Free July cleanup with the NEC. Photo: Sarai Lucarelli.

ZWH: A Year in Review for Zero Waste

It’s been quite a year for Zero Waste Humboldt (ZWH), and the entire Zero Waste community. The last 12 months have brought advocacy, education,...
The Plaza is a thriving public space when there’s an event happening. Let’s make it a vibrant and active place all the time! Photo: CRTP.

CRTP: Raise Your Voice for a People-Friendly (and Climate-Friendly) Plaza

For a year and a half, the Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities (CRTP) has been advocating for a redesign of the Arcata Plaza that...
Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). Photo: Michael Kauffmann.

Creature Feature: Yule Trees—A Winter Tradition

Many years ago the Nordic people, living within the frigid forests of northern Germany, brought evergreen conifers into their homes to celebrate the winter...
Cover of the December 1978 EcoNews.

Blast from the Past: NEC Round-up 1979 Sneak Preview

Editor’s note: At the NEC office, we have copies of nearly all issues of EcoNews that have been produced since the early 1970s. This...