December 2023 EcoNews

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News From the Center | Dec. 2023

Larry Glass, NEC Board President Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director As we go to print, representatives from around the world are preparing to come together to...

Nexus: Just Transition Explained

Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist The term “just transition” is commonly used in environmental movement spaces, usually to describe how workers need to be included in...

Legacy Pollution: How the Lumber Industry Still Haunts Us

Dezmond Remington, EcoNews Intern The lumber industry in Humboldt is on a decline. It has been for decades, and the era of luxurious Victorian mansions...

Growing a Green City: How to Build Resilient and Sustainable Urban Centers

Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist On a recent trip to New York City I was struck by how being in a large urban center can exacerbate...
350 Humboldt. Sea Level Rise Awareness

Fasten Your Life Jackets: Sea Level Rise Awareness

Dezmond Remington, EcoNews Intern 350 Humboldt activists on Highway 101 raising awareness about sea level rise. Photos by Dezmond Remington. They wore inner tubes and life...

Western Lily

Poem by Terri Glass Red, red, red curled almost in a ring, crimson petals flip up revealing 6 stamens dangling from a yellow and freckled center. Perfection, and the...

Protect Sáttítla

Medicine Lake Highlands Press Release On the first day of Native American Heritage Month (November), the Pit River Tribe underscored the urgent need to protect...

Humboldt County Climate Action Plan at Risk

Tom Wheeler, EPIC Executive Director The Humboldt County Climate Action Plan is under threat. The Plan, which has been in development for the past five...

Humboldt Waterkeeper 2023 Year in Review

Jen Kalt, Humboldt Waterkeeper Winter is a good time to reflect on the past year, which marked our 19th anniversary and a name change to...
Redwood Region Audubon

The Sandpiper | Dec. 2023

The Sandpiper December 2023 Read the full version here

California Native Plant Society | Dec. 2023

Evening Program December 13, Wednesday, 7:30 pm: Native Plant Show-and-Tell. Join us for a fun evening of wildflower pictures taken by chapter members Don Hollander,...

CRTP: Tire Pollution

Colin Fiske, Executive Director Ask the average person to identify the main source of pollution from cars and trucks, and they will almost certainly think...
Zero Waste Humboldt logo

Become a Zero Waste Humboldt Board Member!

Izzy Shirah, Zero Waste Humboldt Intern  Zero Waste Humboldt (ZWH) is best known locally for being the only organization specializing in waste reduction solutions. Members...

Community Coastal Column | Dec. 2023

Luis Garcia, Coastal Programs Capstone Student Trash Data Breakdown Humboldt County’s Coastal Cleanup Month, locally organized by the Northcoast Environmental Center, is an annual endeavor that...

Wings of Change

Sable Odry, Coastal Programs Coordinator Have you ever wondered why that black crested, navy blue bird is called a Steller's Jay? Or why the Thick-billed...

E-Bike Incentive Program

Redwood Coast Energy Authority  Get ready for the much-anticipated return of Redwood Coast Energy Authority’s E-Bike Incentive program! The State of California and RCEA are...

Creature Feature | Dec. 2023

Molly Taylor, Coastal Programs Intern Coastal Cutthroat Trout Coastal cutthroat trout (resident) (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) are one of four major subspecies of cutthroat trout in North...

Descripcion de la Especie

Molly Taylor, Coastal Programs Intern Traduccion por Denise Villalva La trucha degollada costera La trucha degollada costera (residente) (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) es una de las cuatro subespecies...

Biofuels: A Bad Bargain So Far

Martha Walden, Get on Board for the Climate The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has held cap and trade workshops this fall and invited advice...

Condor Receives Treatment for Lead Poisoning

Earlier this month, Yurok condor A6 (Me-new-kwek’, "I am bashful or shy"), along with several other  condors in the new population, fed on a...

Winter Solstice: A Time to Replenish

Hello, Goodbye: 75 Rituals for Times of Loss, Celebration, and Change (Simon Element) by Day Schildkret  Winter Solstice “I have faith in the night.”  - Rainer...