July 2023 EcoNews

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News from the Center July 2023

Larry Glass, NEC Board President Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director Climate Colonialism and the Free Market As the climate crisis intensifies, its effects continue to be disproportionately...

Letters to EcoNews July 2023

The Cost of Nuclear Dear EcoNews, I appreciated Dan Sealy’s letter, “Nuclear and Deep Ecology“, in the May issue of EcoNews. Having worked on nuclear issues...

Dear EcoNews: Highways

Dear EcoNews,  Over the past year, I have been keeping up with Colin Fiske’s series about the way our transportation systems in the United States...

Dishgamu Humboldt Community Land Trust: Decolonization in Practice

Michelle Vassel and David Cobb, Wiyot Tribe Decolonization is a hot topic in our circles. We suspect and hope that is especially true for many...

Upholding Our Ancestral Responsibilities

An Interview With Marva Sii~Xuutesna Jones Describe who you are and your relationship to local lands. Shii Sii~xuutesna nvshli~ (My name is Sii~xuutesna.) I carry the...

Exploring Energy: The Grid

Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist Although the electrical grid is not always at the forefront of conversations about energy, understanding how electric energy is distributed is...

Pathways to 30×30 California Annual Progress Report

Josefina Barrantes, EPIC 30x30 Coordinator The California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) released the Pathways to 30x30 California Annual Progress Report on May 18, 2023....
Redwood Region Audubon

The Sandpiper July 2023

View the full issue here

Seeds for change: Round-up at the co-op

Northcoast Environmental Center Staff Seeds for Change is a community-giving opportunity that allows North Coast Co-op customers to ‘round-up’ their purchases to the nearest dollar....

Coastal Column July 2023

Sable Odry, NEC Coastal Programs Coordinator Humboldt Bay Trail Update On May 17 the Humboldt Bay South Trail ribbon tying ceremony commenced, marking the start of...

International Trails Day at Freshwater Farms

Liam Gwynn, EcoNews Journalism Intern The Northcoast Regional Land Trust (NRLT) purchased the 74-acre property, Freshwater Farms, in 2005, and since then has undertaken numerous...

Individual Action vs. Systemic Change

Elena Bilheimer, EcoNews Journalist The question of whether individual actions matter in the face of the immeasurable crisis of climate change is an enduring question...

Plastic Free July 2023

Caroline Griffith, NEC Executive Director One of the ways that many of us experience the “Individual Action vs. Systemic Change” debate is when it comes...

City of Arcata Edible Food Recovery Program

City of Arcata Press Release The City of Arcata is preparing for California Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383)  which requires all residents and businesses to...

Focus on Biodiversity

Dan Sealy, NEC Board Member As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, one of the most comprehensive environmental laws enacted by...

Poster Child for the Circular Economy

Martha Walden Modern solar panels convert sunshine into electricity more and more efficiently as their costs have plunged during the last forty years. The up-front...

Solutions Summit July 2023

RCEA’s Microgrid Project Wins Reliability and Resilience Awards Nancy Stephenson, Redwood Coast Energy Authority The Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA) received two distinguished awards last week...

2023 Craft for the Coast

NEC Staff What is Craft for the Coast? The EPA estimates that the average American throws away 4.9 pounds of solid waste every day, however those...