News from the Center
Successful Event
In August, we had another very enjoyable summer event supporting the NEC. Thanks to everyone who made it to our Summer Patio Party...
Volunteer Spotlight: the Butt Walkers
The Butt Walkers
The self-named “Butt Walkers” at Humboldt County’s Environmental Health office have removed over 2,000 toxic cigarette butts and picked up 58.5 pounds...
Sea Level Rise Threatens Humboldt Bay’s Nuclear Legacy
Is Humboldt Bay vulnerable to sea level rise? Yes. Unfortunately, in addition to buildings and roadways, we must also consider the risks to spent...
Caltrans Punts Sea Level Rise Planning for 101 Corridor Project
In August, the California Coastal Commission met in Eureka to consider the long-anticipated permit for Caltrans’ “Eureka-Arcata Highway 101 Corridor Safety Improvement Project,”...
Trinity Prescribed Burn Plans Spark Concern
The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) recently closed the comment period on its plans to introduce prescribed fire in the Trinity Alps Wilderness. The proposed...
Forest Defense Not Giving Up on Mattole: Mature Forests Need Protection
by Ellen Taylor
Forest defense in the Mattole is recovering from the painful losses incurred by the recent logging by Humboldt Redwood Company (HRC) on...
CA Legislature Missed Opportunity to Reduce Single-Use Plastics
The Zero Waste movement has stirred consumers, taxpayers, ratepayers, and climate change activists to adopt less wasteful practices in their daily lives. Awareness is...
Available Parking Leads to More Driving
People drive cars, so there needs to be places for them to park. Development standards in practically every American community require developers and property...
Enviro Groups Concerned About Wind Energy Project
In September, a coalition of local environmental groups sent a letter to the director of the Humboldt Planning Department to express concerns and recommendations...
Adopt-a-Beach Volunteers find Aquaculture Debris
This edition of Casey's Coastal Column features guest author Robin Hamlin, Adopt-a-Beach volunteer.
Have you ever found small pieces of 3/4 inch black plastic pipe...
‘Conditional’ Approval for Trinidad Hotel Depends on Water
On August 8, at its only North Coast hearing of 2019, the California Coastal Commission (CCC) reversed the recommendations of its staff and issued...
The Crude Reality of California’s Carbon Market: More Pollution
Cap-and-trade, the popular name for California’s carbon market, is touted as the global warming salvation of humanity. This market-based scheme of commercializing carbon is...
New Water Permit for Dairies / North Group Sponsors Campers
Water Board Adopts New Permit for Dairies
At its August meeting in Santa Rosa, the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted a new...
EPIC Honors Civil Rights Attorney Dennis Cunningham
Dennis Cunningham is a legendary civil rights attorney who has spent his lifetime defending activists since the 1960s. From suing the Chicago Police Department...
Eye on Washington
Correction notice: In the Aug/Sep issue of EcoNews a sentence was accidentally changed in the editing process. The sentence should read: “Congressman Huffman was...
Brave Climate Change Scientists Choose Hope Over Politics
This article is the result of interviews conducted by the author with Drs. Ziska and Caffrey in August of 2019. Full disclosure: Dr. Caffrey...
High Costs and Risks of Nuclear Waste
by Mike Manetas
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held a public hearing in Eureka on August 26 to gather input and ideas on formulating a...
A New Approach to Social Change: Community Benefits Agreements
We have an opportunity here in Humboldt County to form a more perfect democracy and vibrant positive economy through the use of Community Benefits...
Pachamama Alliance Comes to Humboldt
by Donna Luckey
In recent weeks the news of increased fires in the Amazon has been overwhelming. The accelerating destruction of the rainforest is tragic,...
Youth Taking the Lead
Greta Thunberg and other youth activists around the world demand climate action.
Earlier this year in the Feb/Mar issue of EcoNews, the Kin to the...
UN Report: Unprecedented Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’
Press Release, United Nations
The following is excerpted from a press release from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), May 2019
We Need to Talk About Global Grief
by Dorine Leisz
Grief about the world. It’s a pervasive feeling these days, whether or not we register it and recognize it for what it...
Birds in Decline
Press Release, American Bird Conservancy
New study finds one in four birds in North America have disappeared
in last 50 years
A study recently published in the...