Dan Sealy, NEC Board Member
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was signed by President Nixon on Dec. 28th, 1973. This year we celebrate the Endangered Species Act’s 50th Anniversary through December 2023.
Endangered Species Art Submissions
To celebrate the anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, we invite students K-12 to submit their artwork showcasing an endangered species. All media is welcome, including poems! We will highlight a few of the submissions in EcoNews and we will also have an online Art Gallery showcasing all of the submissions at www.yournec.org/endangeredspecies. We hope to begin including art in our EcoNews May Issue and will continue through the end of 2023.

How to Participate
- Drop off your artwork at the NEC Office at 415 I Street, Arcata, CA 95521.
- Or mail your art to PO Box 4259, Arcata, CA 95518.
- Or email your art to nec@yournec.org. In the subject line please write “Endangered Species Art”.
- With your submission please include your name, age, school, and why you chose this species to feature in your art.
- Submission deadlines are the first week of each month through December 2023.
Blue Whale
Local Rare and Endangered Species
- Gray Wolf
- California Condor
- Chinook salmon
- Scott Bar salamander
- Western snowy plover
- Marbled murrelet
- Northern spotted owl
- Humboldt Marten
- Blue Whale
- Lassics lupine
- Kneeland Prairie penny-cress
- Visit wildlife.ca.gov/Conservation/CESA for a full list of California rare and endangered species.