Letters to EcoNews: Enough!

Dear EcoNews,

The article on Critical Environmental Justice by Mox Alvarnaz is so absolutely right on and yet the concepts are too academic to catch fire. As the logging trucks are again endlessly rolling on Jacoby Creek Rd. and other parts of urbanized county neighborhoods my friends tell me, I am angry and frustrated knowing what we all know about deforestation being among the absolute worst things we are doing on the planet.

I thought, do I need to go lie down on thea road to stop them, get some old lady friends to link arms across the road? A useless and minimal thing for a few people to do while friends tell me to write to legislators, comment on Timber Harvest Plants, etc., in other words talk to the foxes. My life is too short to spend my hours so fruitlessly at this stage of the environmental game.

Then I had a vision of waking up one day to a world where people donned bright pink shirts with the word Enough! painted across them, Barbie font style, and maybe with a suits prohibited sign across the back, and appeared across the globe everywhere. Enough logging, enough mining, enough airplane rides for fun, enough poisoning our food and water, enough letting the suits run and ruin the place etc., etc., etc. I think the word is useful in every situation.

It leaves the billionaires to respond with “Never Enough!” their one and only war cry.

I am not a leader of movements but I am holding this sort of vision as a possibility to begin to pull the mass of humanity together that is not invested in “Never Enough!”, to grow up, and to start doing what we really need to do for this one precious planet, to stop overshooting her capacity to support us. 

– Rebecca Stauffer