Mindful☼Mondays: Talking with Relatives Across the Political Divide

M I N D F U L ☼ M O N D A Y S

Where are you feeling love in your life right now, if at all? How are you expressing that love?

More and more will is it becoming important to rely on our loved ones for support during this difficult time. But with so much divisiveness in our country, state, and even in our local community, it may feel really hard to love those who have different beliefs than us. Maybe those people ARE your family members or close friends, and your political opinions have created barriers or walls between you.

What do you do to allow love to come forward and hate to take a back seat? What tools or resources do you use?

Here’s one of many articles on this topic:
“Talking with Relatives Across the Political Divide”, NY Times

Feel free to share your resources or experiences in the comments.
#nec #northcoastenvironmentalcenter #mindfulmondays #politicaldivide #love #support #family