NEC Coastal Programs Success Story
This past week 3 large trash bags full of cigarette butts were removed from the Mckinleyville Vista Point!
How it happened: one of our Adopt-A-Block volunteers, January, reached out to the NEC to report a large number of cigarette butts and other waste at this location. Then NEC’s Coastal Programs Coordinator reached out to Robin, a dedicated Adopt-A-Beach volunteer at Clam beach to let her know about the situation. Within a few days Robin headed out to assess the situation and remove the debris. This success story would not have been possible without the involvement of both of these awesome volunteers.
If you see debris when you are out enjoying our local natural spaces, please either remove the debris yourself or contact our Coastal Programs Coordinator at
Photo credit: Lindsay Fox, Flikr Creative Commons. #weloveourvolunteers #marinedebris #cigarettebutts #oceanplastics #oceanconservation #oceanoptimism