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EcoNews Report


The EcoNews Report

EcoNews Report is a half-hour enviro news/chat program—with the same familiar host regulars Jennifer Kalt (Humboldt Waterkeeper), Tom Wheeler (Environmental Protection Information Center), Caroline Griffith (Northcoast Environmental Center) Alicia Hamann (Friends of the Eel River) and Colin Fiske (Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities)— now airs Saturdays at 10am on local station favorite KHUM (104.3 and 104.7 FM) and is posted to the Lost Coast Outpost.

Subscribe to the new podcast HERE!

Prior EcoNews Report episodes are currently available on the KHSU website and available as a podcast on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. An archive of episodes from 2011 through mid-2017 is  available on our Archive website by clicking HERE.

For decades, the EcoNews Report was  broadcast on KHSU from the Humboldt State University campus — a community favorite and the longest-running public affairs radio show on the North Coast! In April 2019, changes at the station unfortunately pulled the EcoNews Report to an abrupt halt. In September 2019 a new era of the EcoNews Report began, in partnership with Lost Coast Communications.

EcoNews Report is a collaborative effort of the Northcoast Environmental Center, its member groups and the larger environmental community of Northern California. The mission of EcoNews Report is to inform and educate the public on environmental issues around the world, state and bioregion. Many of these issues are complex and have varying levels of support throughout the environmental community. Our goal is to provide a platform to explore, discuss and debate these topics in order to better understand their nuances. The ideas expressed in EcoNews do not necessarily reflect the positions of the NEC or its member groups.

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