Mindful Mondays: We Are Earthlings

“The Earth gave birth to all of us: the microbes and the macrobes, the ferns, frogs, fish, finches, four-leggeds, you and me and we are all together. You can feel the Earth, beneath you, around you, even inside of you. Our bones are made of calcium, magnesium, silicates– the clay of the earth molded into our shape. Our bodies are made up of water that has the chemical consistency of the oceans- we literally sweat and cry sea water. We aren’t just on the Earth, we’re of the Earth. Even amidst our human struggles, we can feel our larger identity as Earthlings.” – Wes Nisker

Good morning! Today we’re meditating on the composition of our physical bodies as a form of deep connection to the Earth. If you’re reading this, stop for a moment and gentle rub your teeth together or bite down. Feel the hardness and the strength. Consider the fact that your teeth are made of calcium, magnesium, etc., the same materials we walk on, the same minerals that get transported through the water cycle. Can you feel how you’re made up of the land?

Take this exploration more in depth at our next Thrive: EcoGrief and Anxiety Circle on July 25th from 11am – 12:30pm PST. Questions? Contact Brittany at brittanynecmail@gmail.com

Photo by @animate.earth

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